Employer Fined for Failing to Ensure Safety of Workers

On February 8, 2018, Guy March Bales of Zealandia, Saskatchewan was found guilty in Rosetown Provincial Court of three counts under occupational health and safety legislation.


The Court imposed a total fine of $3,150. Bales was found guilty of:


• contravening section 91 of the regulations by failing to ensure that workers wear approved industrial protective headwear;

• contravening subsection 116(2) of the regulations by failing to ensure that workers use a fall protection system at a work area where a worker may fall three metres or more; and

• contravening subsection 116(1) of the regulations by failing to develop a written fall protection plan where a worker may fall three metres or more and is not protected by a guardrail or similar barrier.

On June 22, 2016, an officer conducted an inspection at a worksite in Rosetown, Saskatchewan where workers were observed not using fall or personal protective equipment. Fortunately, no one was injured.


Legislation states where there is a risk of injury to the head of a worker, an employer or contractor shall provide approved industrial protective headwear and require a worker to use it.


For more information about the proper care of headwear please see the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety’s fact sheet at: www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/prevention/ppe/headwear.html