Workplace Injuries Result In $42,000 Fine

Thunder Creek Pork Ltd. of Regina pleaded guilty to contravening subsection 116(2) of the regulations (being an employer, fail to ensure that a worker use a fall protection system at a temporary or permanent work area where a worker may fall three metres or more; there is a possibility of injury if a worker falls less than three metres, resulting in the serious injury of a worker).


The company was fined $42,857.15 plus a surcharge of $17,142.85 in Moose Jaw Provincial Court on January 13, 2020. One other charge was withdrawn.


Charges resulted from an incident on July 18, 2018, at a worksite in Moose Jaw. A worker was injured after falling from a trailer and landing on a cement floor.


Everyone is responsible for workplace health and safety, with employers having the most care and control in the workplace. Out-of-province companies operating in Saskatchewan must comply with Saskatchewan’s occupational health and safety regulations.


To report an incident to the Occupational Health and Safety Division, of the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, please call 1-800-567-SAFE (7233).