CALGARY, AB - The Olympic Sport of Beach handball in Canada will now have a national Men's and Women's beach handball tour for it's top national and international players to compete at the highest level in the country. What is being put forward by Beach Handball Canada is a 5 division conference with teams located in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Quebec Nation. The goal is to have 3-5 teams in each division to play in up to 3 Canada Cup tournaments with one hosted in each region. All games played in regional divisions will count toward National rankings and tournament points accumulated will be counted towards National Standings. Teams must compete in a minimum of 2 Canada Cup tournaments to qualify for National Standings, however each team that participates at the regional division level will be included in National Rankings. The first Canada Cup tournament is proposed for June 2023 in Saskatchewan, with Canada Cup 2 proposed for July 2023 in Alberta.