Media Release
April 12, 2023
For immediate release
2023 will the biggest year yet for Project Cornerstone!
Cornerstone Credit Union announced today that it will award $100,000 through the annual community
investment program. This is a new record for the most money ever given out in a single year through
Project Cornerstone.
“It’s a major milestone for us, and we’re excited to make an even bigger impact in our communities,” said
Cornerstone Credit Union CEO Doug Jones.
Applications are now open at www.cornerstonecu.com and will be accepted until July 31. A thorough
selection process will follow, with recipients to be announced Oct. 16-20 to coincide with National Co-op
Eligible community groups can apply for projects or programs that support youth and education or
community and economic development. Project Cornerstone funding is intended to build, expand, and
upgrade facilities or develop programs that improve the quality of life in local communities.
Last year, Project Cornerstone distributed $75,000 between projects in Neudorf, Saltcoats, Vibank, and
Yorkton. Since 2006, the program has awarded $451,000 to 41 community projects across the region.
For more information related to this media release:
Lori Walsh, Director, Strategy & Brand – 306.621.3471
Doug Jones, Chief Executive Officer – 306.621.2039